Monday, April 2, 2012

Where the Rubber Meets the Road

Through the Lord’s mercies we are not consumed,
Because His compassions fail not.

 They are new every morning;
Great is Your faithfulness.

 “The Lord is my portion,” says my soul,
“Therefore I hope in Him!”
Lamentations 3:22-24

It has been a little while since I have blogged and there are reasons, not the least of which I have been very busy bu,t mostly because I really had to get some perspective to write this particular entry.

We are ending lent this week and on Sunday we will celebrate the Risen Lord Jesus!!!! These last six weeks have been a strange time of reflection for me, I have thought a lot about my past and a lot about the future and what it holds. I have thought about how blessed I am and I have asked God to give me a more merciful heart for those in need. But, the most poignant part of these last few weeks came from a place I would have never expected. A family at Anna Lee’s school lost their three-year-old daughter on March 7th after a two year battle with a cardiac condition. I have read their blog over and over as they shared their struggles at the reality that they would lose their precious Lucy. Their faith has astounded me, their trust in God in what has to be the most awful situation a family is asked to bear is nothing more than remarkable. The verse from Lamentations above tells their grievous story . . . . “The Lord is my portion.” I wonder how many of us can really utter those words through the most gut wrenching times in our lives? Do we understand that the only reason we are still here on the earth is because of God’s mercy? We are not faithful but He is.

I have experienced great pain in my life, although, nothing compared to the Jarrett family’s, but their experience has reminded me of the time when I lost many precious things and the only thing I could do was cling tightly to the cross, so tightly there was no light between, and thank God that He let me live through it although I wanted to die. If you have never felt that kind of loss or pain you will at some point. I’m not being morbid, it’s just life and we can’t avoid it no matter how many walls of protection we place around us. When life happens that is where our spiritual rubber meets the road. In other words, do we really believe what the Bible says? Do we really trust that no matter what happens, even the loss of a child, that God is sovereign? That a Holy God who spoke the world into being has loved you longer than anyone and wants only the best for you will see you through anything life can throw at you? That a God who loves you so much He sent His son to die for you? Do you know the God the Jarrett’s and I know? I hope you do, and if you don’t I pray you will.

This Sunday as you go to church in your Easter outfit and hunt Easter eggs with your children or grandchildren, and eat a meal with your family, ask yourself is this about a ritual or a relationship? My hope is that you know the God of the universe and that there is only one way to Him, through Jesus Christ. Praise God He Is Risen!!!!!

Sunday, March 4, 2012

A Little Lagniappe: A Great Recipe

Here is a little something extra, or lagniappe as we say in New Orleans.

I have to share this recipe because it is so delicious. My friend Carrie Patterson has started , a meal planning website where she shares her favorite family recipes. If you know Carrie you know she is a great cook and, if you don't know her, trust me when I tell you she is a great cook! My family has fallen in love with Carrie's Wasabi-crusted Cod served with Mandarin Salad. Don't be taken back by the wasabi part. If you aren't familiar with wasabi it's the very hot mustard-like green sauce that is usually served with sushi. This recipe is not too spicy, in fact my daughter who hates spicy gobbles it right up! I even add a little more than what the recipe calls for, an extra 1/2 tsp, and we still find it perfect. If you don't like cod you can use tilapia, which is what I use, or really any of your favorite fish. The salad adds the perfect balance and the dressing is just the right balance between the two dishes.
I meant to take a picture of the completed dish last night but got distracted and forgot but, regardless you should try this recipe, it's simple, quick, and oh sooooo goooood! Check out Carrie's website linked above and to right.

Without further ado here are both recipes:

Wasabi-crusted Cod
Serves 4-5
4-5, 6 oz Cod fillets
1/2 tsp salt
1 tsp wasabi paste (from a tube)
1/2 Cup Mayo
1 1/2 Cup Panko breadcrumbs (Japanese bread crumbs)
Preheat oven to 400 degrees.
Pat fish fillets dry, then arrange on a baking sheet covered in foil. Sprinkle salt over fish.
In a small bowl, stir together wasabi paste and Mayo. Spread 1/2 the wasabi Mayo over
the fish then sprinkle with 1/2 the Panko. Flip the fish over and repeat with the
remaining Mayo and breadcrumbs. Bake until the fish is just cooked through, 12-15
minutes, then broil 4-6 inches from the heat until crumbs on top are golden brown, 1-2
minutes. Watch closely so the fish doesn’t burn! Serve immediately.

Mandarin Salad
Serves 4-6
2 green onions, chopped
2 cloves garlic, minced
4 Tbs soy sauce, low sodium
2 tsp crushed red pepper flakes (less for less heat)
1/3 Cup sugar
1/2 Cup white vinegar
4 Tbs sesame oil
Salt and pepper to taste
1 small can mandarin orange slices, drain except for 2 Tbs
1 container mixed greens
Whisk together green onions, garlic, soy sauce, red pepper flakes, sugar, vinegar,
mandarin orange juice and sesame oil. Salt and pepper to taste.
Combine mixed greens and mandarin oranges.
Pour dressing over greens. Serve.

Both recipes are copyrighted by Carrie's Kitchen
Happy eating!!!!

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

The Least of These . . . .

And the King will answer and say to them, ‘Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me.’ Matthew 25:40

    This verse has become very personal to me in the last few months. I am being personally challenged by God in a way I have never been before. Like many believers I have used excuses to walk away from those I knew I could help in some way, no matter how small. A kind word, a dollar in their hand, an ear to listen, just to show them that one person gave a flip about them. It is easy for us to be kind to those we know. A friend is sick, bring a meal. A loved one dies, over a shoulder to cry on. A troubled marriage, give a listening ear. I have been on both sides of each of those situations.  But when have I really stepped out of my comfort zone and followed Christ’s example of loving those who are very difficult to love? Who do not look like me? Those who seem to have endless and abundant needs? A few times, but God has made it abundantly clear that He wants me out of my comfort zone.

     We live in a very selfish world. No one seems to have time for anything that they will not benefit from in some way. We are all too busy making sure our own lives are in perfect step with what we think “others” will say is okay. We must live in the right neighborhood, find the right schools for our kids, drive the right car, and wear the right clothes.  And while there is nothing wrong with any of those things in-and-of themselves, when we ignore the least of these, to achieve the best of everything else, there is something wrong, and we have ignored Christ. As believers we are told to look after those who cannot look after themselves, to spread the good news of salvation through Jesus Christ. We are supposed to demonstrate that in what we say, what we do, and how we live.

     I have often envied my friends who have been able to go to Africa, and Latin American, and many other places. Some have spent time in some of the most dangerous and poorest areas. But, it has become abundantly clear to me that while I too may do those things one day, I do not need to go to a foreign country in order to minister the least of these, because they all around me.

During this Lenten season my prayer is that God will show me some of the least of these and give me the mercy and compassion I need to show them a glimpse of Him. “For everyone to whom much is given, from him much will be required; and to whom much has been committed, of him they will ask the more.” Luke 12:48 I have been loved and blessed beyond measure. Have you forgotten how very blessed you are? Have you slowed down enough to see the pain of those around you? Will you give to the least and show God’s love because He showed so much to you? My prayer is that you will.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Mardi Gras Time

I love this time of year in New Orleans and I miss it terribly. The funny thing is that the last year I lived in New Orleans I didn't attend one parade! I guess it's easy to take things for granted when they are available all the time. Mardi Gras for my family was not a time to party in the French Quarter, in fact, for most New Orleanians, yes that's a word, Mardi Gras does not involve the French Quarter, that's just what they show on T.V. For us it was a time to get together with friends and enjoy fellowship. My home church, First Baptist New Orleans was located on the corner of St. Charles and Napoleon, a hot spot for parade watching, and the church would open its doors on Mardi Gras Day and members would come into the fellowship hall with their food and we had the best time running around catching beads and goofing off with friends. It was just a great time. Even as an adult when I lived in the apartments located on that corner I had friends over and we played all day.

Of course nothing is the same now. Friends have married and moved away, although there are some still there along with some family, including my mother and brother. But, the apartments I lived in have been torn down, and the church has relocated. Katrina destroyed many things in the city but the spirit of Mardi Gras and many other great things in that wonderful fishbowl remain constant, as do my memories of growing up in one of the best places on earth, and I'm lucky to be able to go back and visit every year during spring break. But this weekend, when everything comes to a head for the Mardi Gras season which will end on Fat Tuesday, I will be there in spirit remembering a time that has long passed but still remains in my mind like it was yesterday.

Happy Mardi Gras to all my New Orleans friends, have fun, be safe, and le bon temps roule!!!!